
When looking for a professional service provider nothing gives you a real idea of the quality and value of the service like testimonials from other clients who have benefited. On this page I list notes and emails from previous clients who have been happy with the service they have received.

Once you’ve read through them why not get in touch to see how I could help you reach your technology goals.

Alan & Charm

I am indebted to Alan & Charm B for sending me this testimonial.

They approached me for advice on buying, setting up and using Apple Macintosh computers to pursue their creative interests of photography, video editing, and writing. I visited them several times and was pleased to see their knowledge and expertise grow along with their home network.

Here’s what they say about their experience:

“We are ever grateful for the services we received from Chris Neal.  He set up our first computer, demonstrated it’s functions and helped us to get started with our work in various fields (photography, video editing, word processing). His help was concise and clear.  He returned to answer our questions and help us with subsequent queries.  As well as efficient as a professional, we appreciated Chris’s friendly personality. We have never looked back and don’t hesitate in recommending Chris.”

Alan & Charm B.

Tamar, Highgate

Dear Chris, 

This is a double thank you note. Firstly, as a technophobe, I’m particularly grateful to you for helping me sort out which devices I really need, and for not pressing me to acquire anything I don’t. Most IT people I know love current advances in technology so much that that they assume everyone else will love the latest model, with all the bells and whistles, whereas people like me just want the basics. 

Secondly, you are an excellent teacher, and a patient one. It takes an expert to explain complicated operations in a way that doesn’t overwhelm. I also appreciate your willingness to help me sort out problems without delay. 

I admit you haven’t cured my technophobia, but I (and my friends and colleagues) are grateful that I can now communicate in the 21st century manner.

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