Ten Tips for Better Photos

Are your photos the best they can be? Do you wish you understood your camera and its functions better? Do you want just holiday snaps or vivid memories that you and your friends will love to look at? Most modern digital cameras have amazing capabilities, but if you don’t know the basics of good photography you can often end up with lacklustre results. Here’s a simple list of Top Ten Tips to Better Photos that I found on the web. Most of these don’t involve much technical knowledge, just a question of stopping to think about what result you want before you press the shutter.

I can offer personal tuition on these and other techniques that will transform your photography and give you more professional-looking results quickly.

Here are some examples of my own work:

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If you’d like to start on the road to getting results like these with your camera, contact me for a free initial consultation.


Become a Better Photographer

Whatever type of camera you have, if you are less than ecstatic with the results chances are you’re making a few very common mistakes that most people make when they just “point ‘n’ shoot”. I can help you transform your digital photography and quickly see a vast improvement in results.

Take your pick from my range of services:

  1. Ten Tips to Transform Your Photos (colour PDF manual, with sample photos, inc. 30 days support via email) – £50
  2. What do all those buttons do? — a personal tutorial on how to get the most from your camera (home visit, London area, includes 30 days support via phone and email) – £150
  3. Become a Better Photographer — a half-day one-to-one training session. Includes items 1 & 2 above, plus four hours’ personal training on using your camera and editing the results on your computer (home visit, London area. Includes 30 days phone and email support) – £300

Give me a call today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation.