How to customise the Dock on the HTC One Smartphone

One of my clients has the HTC One, and while it’s a fantastic smartphone with lots of great features, it can be a little tricky figuring out how to customise the home screens and application dock. For some reason HTC does this very differently from other Android phones such as the Samsung Galaxy range.
Anyway, after a little searching around I came across this short video that shows how you can move icons out of and into the Dock. Easy when you know how!

How well do you know your gadgets?

A quick poll for the weekend: Think about the mobile device you use most — iPhone? iPad? Android phone? How well would you say you know all its features? If you could quickly vote in my poll you’d help me out in determining what the most common teaching needs are.


One last question: if you feel like answering this one please leave a comment: If there was one thing you could change or improve about your mobile device and the way you use it, what would it be? What’s the difference between today and your perfect tomorrow?


Become a Better Photographer

Whatever type of camera you have, if you are less than ecstatic with the results chances are you’re making a few very common mistakes that most people make when they just “point ‘n’ shoot”. I can help you transform your digital photography and quickly see a vast improvement in results.

Take your pick from my range of services:

  1. Ten Tips to Transform Your Photos (colour PDF manual, with sample photos, inc. 30 days support via email) – £50
  2. What do all those buttons do? — a personal tutorial on how to get the most from your camera (home visit, London area, includes 30 days support via phone and email) – £150
  3. Become a Better Photographer — a half-day one-to-one training session. Includes items 1 & 2 above, plus four hours’ personal training on using your camera and editing the results on your computer (home visit, London area. Includes 30 days phone and email support) – £300

Give me a call today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation.