Three abolishes some roaming charges

Three abolishes some roaming charges

UK mobile network Three have been at the vanguard of new ideas and challenges to established mobile tariff practices since their inception. Now they are taking on the most contentious: international roaming charges.
Three are removing roaming charges for its UK customers visiting seven countries (see article for list), enabling them to carry on using their included minutes, texts and data while abroad.
This is great news for anyone who travels regularly and a bold step that will surely force other networks to follow suit. About time say I! For far too long mobile carriers have been punishing roaming customers with crippling call and data rates: a policy that seems to have been implemented for no other reason than “because they can”. Let’s hope this move signals the start of fair sensible pricing.

Article: Mozilla aims to socialize app shopping with Marketplace for Firefox OS (video) Mobile

Mozilla aims to socialize app shopping with Marketplace for Firefox OS (video) Mobile

Don’t be put off by the clunky title of this article on Engadget: there’s actually a quite interesting story here. Mozilla — the people behind the Firefox web browser — are developing Firefox OS for a new range of low cost smartphones, in part aimed at emerging markets. How the he’ll do you compete and differentiate yourself against the Apple and Android giants?

Well, Mozilla’s answer is to make their app store social, with app developers showing as real people with whom customers can interact, sharing so likes with friends etc. I think it’s an idea that has merit and could just help to make Firefox OS stand out (until the others copy the idea, at least). Take a look at the short video and see what you think.