Become a Better Photographer

Whatever type of camera you have, if you are less than ecstatic with the results chances are you’re making a few very common mistakes that most people make when they just “point ‘n’ shoot”. I can help you transform your digital photography and quickly see a vast improvement in results.

Take your pick from my range of services:

  1. Ten Tips to Transform Your Photos (colour PDF manual, with sample photos, inc. 30 days support via email) – £50
  2. What do all those buttons do? — a personal tutorial on how to get the most from your camera (home visit, London area, includes 30 days support via phone and email) – £150
  3. Become a Better Photographer — a half-day one-to-one training session. Includes items 1 & 2 above, plus four hours’ personal training on using your camera and editing the results on your computer (home visit, London area. Includes 30 days phone and email support) – £300

Give me a call today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation.